Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Three Word Wednesday

Breathe-in experience, breathe-out poetry.~Muriel Rukeyser

Today's words for 3WW are and interesting contrast and I thought, "Won't it be fun to play with these three words:




And as I thought of these words a picture of a rock climber popped into my head.

( I'm not quite sure who to attribute this image to but it can be found at )

Unseen ruthless winds


Hanging hands caressing

Jagged rocks.

Earth waits...above.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday's Poetry Stretch

Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason. ~Novalis

Today, even though it's not Monday, I am doing Monday's Poetry Stretch, and a stretch I believe it will be. Below will be an attempt at a lipogram, and I have decided to write a short verse without the letter 'e' as that seems to be the most challenging...


Oh, how do you put
In writing
A short group of words
With constraints, such as
A missing part
Of what allows us to
Talk amongst humans,
Without driving us

Monday, January 26, 2009

One Single Impression

To have great poets there must be great audiences too. "--Walt Whitman

This week on OSI the prompt is 'If Only I Had Time". For me that is true of my daily schedule, as it is for many I'm sure. And so I continue through life using time as efficiently as possible, even if that means sitting quietly and doing my sudoku or ken ken puzzle...

Here is my contribution for this week. Feel free to join in and read some wonderful works from such varying writers...One Single Impression

Like fairy dust
Time sprinkled
For use to...

Fly with the wind
Circle the earth

Dance on the clouds
Sing with the angels

Stay in your dreams
Come out of your past

Time given,
A gift.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekend Wordsmith

" Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history."-- Plato

Ah yes...time for weekend wordsmith, and the word to ponder over is sensible, and the photo...well sensible shoes...

By all appearances,
Hidden inside
Bursting to show
Through the toes
For another day.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

15 Words or Less

" Science is for those who learn; poetry, for those who know."-- Joseph Roux

I love Thursdays! Not because tomorrow is Friday, or yesterday was Wednesday, BUT because it's 15 Words or Less day. The day I get to write a short poem from a picture introduced to us at Laura Salas' blog. Head on over and join in. Below is the poem inspired from her photopoetry. It will also be posted on her site tomorrow, along with other great poetry.

Surrendered spirits
Swing toward the
Sight of light
Where love sits.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Three Word Wednesday

"Perhaps no person can be a poet, or can even enjoy poetry, without a certain unsoundness of mind."--Thomas Babington Macaulay

This week's words from three word wednesday are a great combo:


What I wrote just sort of came out. It's a 10 line free verse.

Each Day

As we step through each day,
We find a rhythm, a cadence,
Sending us the internal message
We are on the right track.
We resolve to follow our path,
Whether straight, long, narrow, crooked,
And bow our humble heads
To find the spot inside,
Leading us on our way,
As we step through each day.

Monday, January 19, 2009

One Single Impression

"A poet is someone who is astonished by everything."-- Anonymous

This week's prompt at One Single Impression is Fading Memories. This week I have decided to write my poem in the form of Senryu, similar to Haiku but written in the predent tense about human nature or emotions.

Faded Memories

past pictures pass by,
blurred, faded, invisible,
the present surrounds.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend Wordsmith

" Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood."-- T. S. Eliot

This weekend's Weekend Wordsmith photo has brought to me a poem written in the form of a Laturne.

clouds hang
the road toward

Thursday, January 15, 2009

15 Words or Less

A poet must leave traces of his passage, not proof. ~~Rene Char

Today is 15 Words or Less Thursday. I always look forward to writing a short piece of poetry. It just seems so simple and easy, and sometimes I surprise myself with what ends up on paper after only minutes of thought. Actually, there really is no thought to it. Words just form, magically. That's why I love writing poetry from pictures.

Anyway join in and head on over...give it a try at 15 Words or Less. Today's picture is titled Waterfall, Waterstill. Here is my contribution.

Hungry for spring,
Hurry, hurry,
Want to join in.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A poem should not mean. But be.—Archibald MacLeish, "Ars Poetica"

Oh! How I wish it was summer, but it's not, so I shall picture in my mind's eye a moment in summer as I observe a curtain of ice fog paint over my window.

You can find the prompt over at One Single Impression and join in by writing a poem about summer. Here is mine:

Branches drape, fanning

through a wall of humid air

blades stretch--bend in the breeze.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday Poetry Stretch

All the poet can do today is warn.
That is why true Poets must be truthful. ~~Wilfred Owen

Once again it is Miss Rumphius' Poetry Stretch, and a stretch it is. Here's my shot at an ottava rima.

A part of my dad’s brain died the other day,
A part of him is gone because he had a stroke,
Words get stuck and he has nothing to say,
He can’t even tell me another great joke,
No more soccer or hockey can we play,
His whole right side is completely broke,
I know one day he’ll be able to walk,
I also hope he’ll be able to talk.

As is often the case these days, my poetry projects what is or has been happening in our family life this past year. Good therapy, I say!

Thanks for this stretch it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Monday Poetry Stretch

Always be a poet, even in prose. ~Charles Baudelaire, "My Heart Laid Bare," Intimate Journals, 1864

Today is the first Poetry Stretch of the year. Here is my contribution and hopefully my continued presence. I have been somewhat absent since my husband's stroke.

Head on over to The Miss Rumphius Effect for instructions and join in. Here's my contribution which didn't exactly follow the rules, but then I'm not known for following all the rules!

The Kitchen

Golden brown
Resting on oval,
Knife whirrrs,
Slices --
Juices drool,
Mistletoe dangles,
Aprons meet,
Lips meet,
Smiles melt into
Sun's rays.